Terms of Service| bestcouplecam.com

Visitors to bestcouplecam.com have to agree to the follow terms stated below;

bestcouplecam.com is a site that posts adult-oriented content. Visitors may find material posted on this site offensive, regardless of their age, location, creed, etc.

Some visitors may not be within the legal age limit to view material posted on this site. Others may live in an area where it is illegal to view adult material.

If you don’t fancy sites that post adult material, YOU ARE ADVISED AGAINST VISITING THIS SITE.

Majority of content this site features are channeled toward an adult audience. People allowed to view this site must be eighteen (18) or above.

  • We strongly advise against visiting bestcouplecam.com if;
  • You are under the age limit legally-backed to use this site (18 years and above)
  • Sexual material posted online is found offensive and obscene by you
  • There is a law preventing residents of your area from gaining access to sexually-explicit material

To ensure every visitor to bestcouplecam.com is protected from accidental viewing of sexually-explicit material, you have to agree to the following before continuing;

Important Notice:

If you don’t have knowledge of any law preventing you from viewing adult material, please be advised, DON’T VISIT THIS SITE.

In addition, ensure your area of residence or access to this site’s content is legal for viewing adult material.

With my acceptance of these terms, I certify that;

I accessed this site on my eighteenth birthday or after, meaning I am over the legal age limit to view adult material

The material on this site is solely for my personal use

At no time will I reproduce content on this site for nefarious purposes or reproduction for public use

Legal proceedings against me and my interests may ensue if I am found to breach any terms stated in this agreement now or in the future

I find the content posted on this site pleasant, and at no time in the future will I find it obscene or offensive

All content in form of text, audio, video, etc. are pleasant for my viewing

This document is legally binding and involves bestcouplecam.com and I. All my interests are included in this agreement with bestcouplecam.com.